Scientific Knowledge Integrated into Patient Presentations (SKIPPs)

Company Role Year Modality
Des Moines University
Instructional Design Coordinator
e-Learning (Rise / Storyline)


SKIPPs assesses medical students’ diagnostic skills and their ability to efficiently report findings to attending doctors within a limited time. This project transformed a previously paper-based activity into a fully electronic format.


I began by organizing the activity components, considering that students would control the experience in table groups, and each case would be unique to each group.

I also sent Qualtrics surveys to cohorts 15 minutes before the session ended, based on pre-organized rosters, which was a required participation component for students.


I used Storyline to develop a secured learning experience with timed interactions at 18 minutes. Lab costs and image/procedure expenses were auto-calculated. This also allowed instructors to compare costs among groups for discussion after the activity.


It was highly successful, and I expanded it to all systems year 2 courses and did didactic sessions for years 3-4 (OB-Gyn) with Zoom control by instructors. I also presented this concept at the AACOM conference in Washington, DC. We collected extensive data through post-activity Qualtrics surveys for each session.
